mm trendy flowers

  • 11,00 

    Looking for something as a gift that is just a little treat? We have what you want… our dried flower fragrant mallets ♡

    * Total height: 12cm
    * Diameter: 12cm


    Any changes you want, you can write in the comments box at the end of the cart or send an email to with the order number.

  • centro páscoa

    Inspired by the city of Florence, whose name means “flourishing, prosperous” 🌸

    Celebrate the renewal of Easter and surprise with the beauty of a centrepiece of country flowers and preserved olive tree ♡


    Dimensions of the vase:
    * Height: 15 cm
    * Height with flowers: 30 cm


    Any changes you want, you can write in the comments box at the end of the cart or send an email to with the order number.

  • Envelopes florais_mm trendy flowers_flores secasEnvelopes florais_mm trendy flowers_flores secas

    Floral envelopes specially produced so you can make your gift even more special ♡🌸

    *Dimension: 12*8cm
    * Weight: 240 g
    * Kraft paper

    If you wish to send a personalized message, please contact us at indicating the order number in the subject and name, or write in the comments box at the end of the cart.

  • 22,50 

    Personalized mug with a phrase or simply That word!

    What makes perfect sense to you ❤️

    Send us your message via email or leave it in the space identified as notes at the end of the order

  • Cesta outono s_mm Trendy flowers_
    30,25 41,25 

    Basket inspired by the terracotta tones. Strong tones that can leave both a rustic and an elegant environment. Because it is a warm tone, it reminds you of summer, as well as the cozy atmosphere with a fireplace in winter!

    They contain more than 15 varieties of flowers, so no work is the same but the tones are always respected

    Any changes you want, you can write in the comments box at the end of the cart or send an email to with the order number.


  • 30,25 55,00 

    Inspired by the cheerful colors of the rainbow to bring joy into your home or someone’s life.

    Did you know it contains over 15 varieties of flowers?

    Any changes you want, you can write in the comments box at the end of the cart or send an email to with the order number.

  • Caneca Valentine'sCaneca Valentine's

    Personalized mug with a phrase or simply That word!

    What makes perfect sense to you ❤️

    Send us your message via email or leave it in the space identified as notes at the end of the order

  • 12,50 

    Are you looking for something as a gift that is just a treat? We have what you want… our dehydrated flower packs in autumnal tones to let you be captivated by the colors and sensations of this season.

    * Total height: 12cm
    * Diameter: 12cm

    Any changes you want, you can write in the comments box at the end of the cart or send an email to with the order number.

  • Jarra Aurelia_2_mm trendy flowersJarra Aurelia_1_mm trendy flowers

    Golden vase, inspired by the name Aurélia and all its meaning!!

    With a sweet and unique pronunciation like autumn itself, it alludes togolden” or “daughter of gold”, the characteristic color of the season 🍁

    * Jar height: 14 cm
    * Jar diameter: 12 cm
    * Height with flowers: 25 cm

    Any changes you want, you can write in the comments box at the end of the cart or send an email to with the order number.

  • Coroa Vivaz_mm trendy flowers_flores frescascoroa vivaz_M_MM Trendy flowers
    28,50 39,50 

    Fresh gypsophila wreath, due to its rapid drying characteristics you will have a beautiful wreath or centerpiece for years 🌸

    * Brown vine wood base
    * Fresh white gypsophila

    Any changes you want, you can write in the comments box at the end of the cart or send an email to with the order number.

  • Centro verdes_mm trendy flowers_flores secas e preservadas_eucalipto preservadoCentro verdes_mm trendy flowers_flores secas e preservadas_eucalipto preservado Out of Stock

    Wooden center composed of greens and neutral colors so you can include it in any corner of the house!! Wood treated with natural products 🐝

    We can add a handwritten message in the box to personalize the gift

    Box dimensions: 20*10*8 cm
    Total height: 25cm


    If you want any type of alteration to the article, such as to see a color or a certain type of flowers included, please contact us at

  • Coroa Salix_mm trendy flowers_flores secas_white snowCoroa Salix_mm trendy flowers_flores secas_white snow

    A Polish legend says that little kittens were playing catching butterflies by a river, when they suddenly fell.
    The mother started crying and screaming for help. That’s when a Willow, on the bank of the river, bent with its long branches so that the kittens could hold on tightly.
    The saying goes that since then, in the spring, the willow branches sprout small flowers, which resemble the plush kittens, which the branches once saved.

    * Diameter: 25cm
    * Base: rattan wreath


    Any changes you want, you can write in the comments box at the end of the cart or send an email to with the order number.

  • Out of Stock

    Do you know that... in ancient Greece, the olive tree was respected as sacred, carrying meanings such as peace, wisdom, abundance and glory of the people. She still represented beauty, fecundity and dignity!

    * Small Branch: 30cm
    * Burlap bag with lavender seeds

    Any change you want, you can write in the comments box at the end of the cart or send an email to with the order number.

  • 30,25 55,00 

    Basket inspired by the terracotta tones. Strong tones that can leave both a rustic and an elegant environment. Because it is a warm tone, it reminds you of summer, as well as the cozy atmosphere with a fireplace in winter!

    They contain more than 15 varieties of flowers, so no work is the same but the tones are always respected

    Any changes you want, you can write in the comments box at the end of the cart or send an email to with the order number.


  • Out of Stock
    17,95 29,25 

    Specially created so you can surprise someone you love and want to care.

    Box contains:
    * Glass vase with 15 cm flowers
    * filled or unfilled white chocolate bonbons
    * white chocolate tablet
    * can be complemented with accessories

    If you wish to send a personalized message, please contact us at indicating the order number in the subject and name, or write in the comments box at the end of the cart.

  • 30,25 55,00 

    Created from the warm colors of love, with a sweet, romantic and fraternal character, it conveys beauty and compassion 🌸

    They contain more than 15 varieties of flowers, so no job is the same but the tones are always respected

    Any change you want, you can write in the comments box at the end of the cart or send an email to with the order number.